Speak English Fluently In 5 Days..
Majority of people tend to learn new language especially if this language is English language for many reasons.
So, how can you learn English language in 5 days.
The first day, choose any topic you are interested in for example, if you like health choose topic about health , if you like cook choose topic about Cook , if you like sports choose topic about sport…. use 5W questions and write down
5 questions about what?
5 questions about who?
5 questions about where?
5 questions about when?
5 questions about why?
The second day, memorize and organize your thought via think about all the questions and all the answers too.
The third day, write down short questions by used 5W questions time yourself by give to yourself one minute to speak and answer all the questions and give to yourself 45 second, then 30 second and finally 3 minutes to answers all the questions.
The fourth day, write down long sentences about all the questions and try to answer all the questions for 5 minutes.
The fifth day, create flash cards these will help you to remember.
#Heba Gamal